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The Pursuit of Happiness

My first poem....

The pursuit of happiness
Search for a treasure in the wilderness
Is it the end or is it endless?
The pursuit of happiness

Its my right but still i have to fight
A rare time when its not against others' might
Its within me but still out of sight
Its only i who can show me the light

The pursuit of happiness....

The road is so slippery
One moment seems victory
At the next you are in a misery
Is there any who can claim mastery

The learned say it is a temporary emotion
Some proclaim it is just a deception
Many say it was lost at the time of creation
But i wont stop till i can shout in elation

The pursuit of happiness
Search for a treasure in the wilderness
Is it the end or is it endless
The pursuit of happiness


fantasticneal said…
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fantasticneal said…
The bliss is in smiling & loving;
& to be with, who are worth it,

It is in designing & creating;
& in appreciating things that we love (it);

It is in dreaming & achieving;
& to trumpet that you’ve done it,

It is in learning & innovating;
& in believing that it(knowledge) persists,

It is in being curious & inquiring;
& to let it (mind) wander - not to resist,

It is in living & being;
& in knowing that we exist,

The Bliss is all around you;
& it is in being alive,

Its been there & nothing is new;
realize, recognize & you'll thrive.

With love
Nilay Shah

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