Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Diwali : A time for new ideas, a time for new plans

Diwali, a time to light up our homes, a time to celebrate triumph of good over evil, a time to relish with friends and family is also a good time to relax, to think, to ideate and to plan.

Think about it, when was the last time you were relaxed, had 4-5 days of leisure time, free from all the pressures and deadlines, free from your tiresome daily routine. When was the last time you didn't have to wake up early so that you can either catch the office bus or rush by your car before the traffic catches up. When was the last time you could read a book late into the night without worrying about tomorrow's deadlines, which you are sure you are not going to meet. Diwali is the time when all these tensions and pressures takes a backseat and you feel relaxed.

And as a famous author once said - 
"Creativity comes when you are relaxed and when it comes it brings ideas that rock your world". 
Hence, this Diwali use this leisure time for reading a book and getting inspired, for putting the idea, which you had in your head for so long, on a piece of paper, for bouncing off your thoughts across friends and family. Spending your brain time on your idea, through writing, discussing, debating will increase its potential exponentially. According to me this is a solid mantra for ideation - relax, think, write and share.

Now coming to second aspect - Planning. At times it might seem boring, mundane, not yielding results etc. It might also sound uncool to many in our generation, the Gen-Y and Z  (I am not sure whether I qualify for Gen-Z but I would like to believe that I am definitely part of the Gen-Y). We are impatient, we get excited by instant likes, re-tweets and followers, we are the ones who believe in quick execution. But as someone rightly said 'It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark'.
Hence, use this time to plan your future. Plan your career - you may plan your next switch or if you are an aspiring entrepreneur you might plan when you want to quit and how you want to startup. Plan your finances - Take a look at your bank balance. Is your money just sitting idle in your savings account, earning you a meagre 3-4% return. Plan how you want to increase your wealth. Learn about better saving mechanisms : PPF, bonds, SIPs in mutual funds etc. Plan your life - Plan your major life events - it can be marriage, or having a child, or buying a new house. This will also help you plan your finances as well.

And yes, after you make all these plans do not kill your instinct to execute them. Execution as per plans will give you results. 
Happy Diwali. Happy New Year. Happy Ideating. Happy Planning. !!!

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